Business Traveler - How Airports Are Electrifying Ground Operations to Cut Emissions

intricate dance of airside service vehicles moving among arriving and departing jetliners can be a constant source of entertainment. A swarm of tugs, caterers, fueling trucks, baggage loaders, buses, and vans constantly circle the apron during most hours of operation.
With the post-pandemic spike in travel and increasing sensitivity to aviation’s carbon footprint, the industry is turning its attention to CO2 emissions from these ground operations as a way to meet climate goals looming in the decades ahead. These initiatives are getting a boost with the passage of the Federal Aviation Administration‘s Reauthorization Act in March.
“The recent passage of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024 offers a significant opportunity to advance sustainable transportation within the aviation sector,” writes Will Handke, managing consultant at the non-profit Center for Transportation and the Environment. “Notably, the Act prioritizes airports that develop comprehensive management plans for zero-emission vehicles and equipment.”