CTE Releases Comprehensive Zero-Emission Bus Transition Planning Guidebook

November 19, 2024
Kate Mason
[email protected]
(615) 419-5185
Atlanta, GA – The Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE) is pleased to announce the release of the Zero-Emission Bus Transition Planning Guidebook authored by CTE Senior Managing Consultant, Niki Rinaldi El-Abd, with funding provided by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) through the National Transit Institute (NTI). This first-of-its-kind transition planning guidebook is designed to equip public transit agencies and the engineering firms across the country that support them with the knowledge and tools necessary to plan and implement a successful transition to a zero-emission bus fleet.
Public transit agencies are increasingly recognizing the environmental and economic benefits of zero-emission bus technologies. However, transitioning to a zero-emission bus (ZEB) fleet requires careful planning to avoid the common pitfalls associated with ZEB deployments. The Zero-Emission Bus Transition Planning Guidebook provides a step-by-step approach to guide public transit agencies through the entire transition process. Key features of the guidebook include:
• Strategies for addressing range limitations and ensuring sufficient fueling infrastructure
• Guidance on developing a staff training plan to support the ZEB fleet
• A framework for creating a funding plan to leverage available financial resources
• A methodology for assessing technology options, developing procurement strategies, and estimating costs
This guidebook recognizes the broader scope of ZEB transition planning, beyond just deployment best practices. Unlike a single ZEB deployment, ZEB Transition Planning establishes a roadmap for future advancements and is an ongoing process that may span a decade or more, influenced by local, state, and federal regulations, funding availability, and specific vehicle replacement schedules. While initially designed for transit agency personnel, this guidebook is a valuable resource for any fleet operator aiming to transition to zero-emission technologies as well for any service provider wishing to aid operators in this important transition.
“This Guidebook is intended to act as a reference for any fleet operator interested in creating a strategy for transitioning their fleet to zero-emission technologies,” said Niki Rinaldi El-Abd, Senior Managing Consultant at CTE. “It walks readers through the entire process of developing their ZEB Transition Plan and empowers them to take on the often-daunting task of developing a strategy to overcome range restrictions, optimize operational considerations, and understand the costs associated with transitioning their fleet.”
The guidebook is based on CTE’s lessons learned from completed transition plans, CTE’s in-house expertise, and the expertise of industry stakeholders. Since its founding in 1993, CTE has managed a portfolio of more than $3.8 billion in team research, development, and demonstration projects funded by a variety of federal, state, and local organizations including the U.S. Departments of Transportation, Energy, Defense, and Interior, as well as the California Air Resources Board and the California Energy Commission. CTE has assisted more than 250 operators that have deployed, or will soon deploy, more than 1,400 zero-emission vehicles. CTE has also managed or participated in almost 80 transition planning projects across the country.
“This guidebook is a culmination of CTE’s extensive experience in supporting the transition to zero-emission buses,” said Dan Raudebaugh, Executive Director of CTE. “We are confident that this resource will be a valuable tool for public transit agencies and industry service providers as they work to transition to cleaner, more sustainable fleets.”
The guidebook is available for free download at cte.tv/post/zero-emission-bus-transition-planning-guidebook→
The Center for Transportation and the Environment is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to improve the health of our climate and communities by bringing people together to develop and commercialize clean, efficient, and sustainable transportation technologies. CTE collaborates with federal, state, and local governments, fleets, and vehicle technology manufacturers to complete our mission. If interested in learning more about CTE, please visit cte.tv.