Guidebook for Deploying Zero Emission Transit Buses
Published: July 2020
Prepared by: The Center for Transportation and the Environment, Meredith Linscott and Amy Posner
The Zero-Emission Bus Deployment Guidebook is a tool for educating transit agencies on current best practices for ZEB deployments and represents lessons learned from previous deployments,industry experts, and available industry resources. The Guidebook is intended to provide transit agencies with the information necessary to achieve the maximum benefit out of their ZEB deployment and mitigate potential risks. Every deployment will be guided by the transit agency's specific needs and priorities; therefore the Guidebook cannot provide prescriptive answers to every decision. Rather, it provides transit agencies with the context and knowledge needed to understand the complexity of a ZEB deployment; supports decision making; and emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining successful relationships with technology providers, utility companies, fuel suppliers, and contractors. While all transit agencies, regardless of fleet size, location, or previous experience with ZEB deployments will find the Guidebook helpful, the level of detail is designed for transit agencies deploying their first ZEBs.
In the Media:
CTE releases new guidebook for deploying zero-emission buses→
Metro Magazine - July 22, 2020
CTE releases new guidebook for deploying zero-emission transit buses→
Green Car Congress - August 6, 2020
New guidebook describes best practices for transit agencies deploying zero-emission buses→
Charged Electric Vehicle Magazine - August 6, 2020
CTE has released a Guidebook for zero emission bus deployment→
Sustainable Bus - August 10, 2020
CTE releases guidebook for deploying zero-emission transit buses→
Intelligent Transport - August 10, 2020
New Guidebook for zero-emission bus deployments→
CleanTechnica - August 11, 2020