The 12th annual Zero-Emission Bus Conference (ZEB Con), hosted by CTE, took place in Philadelphia from August 27-29, 2024, bringing together industry leaders to advance the electrification of public and private transportation fleets.
ZEB Con has always been a hub for knowledge sharing, driving the electrification of public and private transportation fleets. This year’s conference stood out with its dual focus on battery and fuel cell electric solutions. As the host, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) showcased its latest advancements, including a fleet of 10 fuel cell electric buses and an innovative mobile hydrogen refueling solution. Attendees were also given a firsthand look at SEPTA’s Southern Bus District, where phase two of their battery electric bus program is underway.

CTE Executive Director Dan Raudebaugh kicked off the conference with an inspiring welcome address, outlining key solutions to improve the health of the zero-emission transit industry. Dan emphasized the need to reduce transit bus customization, foster greater collaboration across the industry, and encourage calculated risk-taking to drive innovation. His message set a collaborative tone for the event, urging all attendees to work together to overcome the challenges facing the industry.
A special tribute was paid to former Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Administrator Nuria I. Fernandez, recognizing her instrumental leadership and vision in advancing the zero-emission transit industry. During her tenure, Administrator Fernandez guided the FTA through a period of significant change, spearheading new clean-energy initiatives and significantly expanding Low- and No-Emission bus grants. Thanks to her efforts, the Low-No program now boasts ten times the funding of previous levels.
Sixteen educational sessions were categorized into three tracks: “Early Adoption,” “Scaling Up,” and “Advanced Solutions,” allowing attendees to engage with content tailored to their current stage in the ZEB transition. Topics ranged from battery safety and depot design to charging optimization, utility coordination, and workforce development. A special focus was also placed on the role of regional Hydrogen Hubs and the vital part transportation plays in supporting clean fuel initiatives.
Beyond the educational sessions, ZEB Con offered several unique networking opportunities. Attendees connected with leading bus manufacturers and infrastructure providers in the dedicated exhibition hall and enjoyed an evening of innovation and conversation over dinner at The Franklin Institute. Outside the venue, Letenda, New Flyer, GILLIG, and RIDE showcased their cutting-edge zero-emission buses in a static bus display, providing attendees with an up-close look at the latest advancements in sustainable transportation technology.

The collective expertise and discussions from the conference highlighted both the progress achieved and the challenges ahead. Attendees left Philadelphia with practical insights and a renewed commitment to advancing sustainable transportation. The connections made and knowledge shared at ZEB Con will play a key role in addressing industry challenges and driving further developments in zero-emission transit.