Southeast Alternative Fuel Deployment Partnership - Creating Healthier Communities

In 2017, the Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE) assembled a team of local and regional organizations throughout the southeastern states of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina to create the Southeast Alternative Fuel Deployment Partnership (SEAFDP).
Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE), the objective of the SEAFDP project was to accelerate the deployment of commercially available alternative fuel fleet vehicles and infrastructure in niche US markets. The project was managed by CTE and partners included Clean Cities - Georgia (CC-G), Alabama Clean Fuels Coalition (ACFC), Palmetto State Clean Fuels Coalition (PSCFC), Southern Company, Southern Company Gas, UPS, Waste Management, DeKalb County, City of Atlanta, and McAbee Trucking.
The project successfully deployed 238 compressed natural gas (CNG), plug-in hybrid, and battery-electric vehicles and saw the construction of two CNG stations in Birmingham, Alabama and Hardeeville, South Carolina to fuel Waste Management CNG refuse trucks. CTE recorded a reduction of over 400,000 gallons of diesel fuel and 4,200 tons of carbon dioxide as a result of these deployments through its key performance indicator (KPI) reporting. CTE and the Clean Cities coalitions also developed a GIS mapping methodology to identify the gaps in the Southeast's clean fuels corridors.
Learn more about how alternative fuels reduce our dependency on oil, improve air quality, and create healthier communities in our latest project video:
CTE is proud to have been part of the Southeast Alternative Fuel Deployment Partnership and looks forward to continued opportunities to accelerate the deployment of zero and low-emission fleet vehicles across the country.