Acrofan - First-of-its-Kind Vehicle-to-Building Resilience Hub Powered by Transit Buses

The Mobility House, CTE, AC Transit, New Flyer, Schneider Electric to deploy electric transit buses as mobile emergency backup power for community centers
A new project funded by the California Energy Commission (CEC) will demonstrate the value of bidirectional electric vehicle charging to support a first-of-its-kind vehicle-to-building (V2B) resilience hub. This groundbreaking project will leverage stored energy from zero-emission electric buses, owned and operated by AC Transit, to provide filtered air conditioning at the West Oakland Branch of the Oakland Public Library for local residents in the event of unhealthy heat or smoke conditions. CEC’s Electric Program Investment Charge program awarded the project $3.2 million in funding, with combined $400,000 in matching funds contributed by West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project (WOEIP) and AC Transit. This pilot study is known locally as "V2B Oakland" and will be executed by a powerhouse green energy project team: Center for Transportation and the Environment→ (CTE), The Mobility House, AC Transit, New Flyer, Schneider Electric, City of Oakland and WOEIP.