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Open Funding Opportunities
February 21 – March 7, 2025 State Funding Activity Update
Department of Energy (DOE) Guiding Universal Indicators in Developing Ecosystems for Hydrogen (GUIDE-H2)
Department of Energy (DOE) Notice of Intent (NOI) to Re-Issue Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Battery Materials Processing and Battery Manufacturing Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)
California Energy Commission (CEC) Battery Pilot Manufacturing Grant Funding Opportunity (GFO)
Department of Energy (DOE) Fiscal Year 2025 Vehicle Technologies Office Program Wide Funding Opportunity
Department of Energy (DOE) Notice of Intent to Issue a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Energy Technology Deployment on Tribal Lands – 2025
Department of Transportation (DOT) 2025 Port Infrastructure Development Program
Department of Transportation (DOT) Rural and Tribal Assistance (RTA) Pilot Program
Department of Transportation (DOT) Maritime Administration Port Infrastructure Development Program
The Department of Transportation (DOT) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Fiscal Years (FY) 2024-2026 Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program
Closed Funding Opportunities
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) FY2025 Competitive Funding Opportunity: Bus Safety and Accessibility Research Program
Background Information
FTA announced the opportunity to submit applications for the Bus Safety and Accessibility Research Program for up to $10 million under the Public Transportation Innovation Program in multiple fiscal years. The strategic goal for this program is to make existing and new buses safer for their operators and vulnerable road users, and safer and more accessible for their passengers. The Bus Safety and Accessibility Research Program seeks proposals to research standard bus designs, safety innovations and systems, and bus compartments that support these safety and accessibility goals. Additionally, this Notice of Funding Opportunity will require the development of detailed design specifications and production of a prototype that is available through a retrofit on existing buses and for installation in new buses.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants are departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Government, including Federal laboratories; State and local governmental entities; providers of public transportation; private or non-profit organizations; institutions of higher education; and technical and community colleges.
Important Dates
Applications are due on January 17, 2025.
With the increasing number of opportunities of interest to CTE and our members, we are not able to pursue projects to the same extent as we have in the past. However, if you are interested in pursuing funding under this opportunity, CTE may be able to support your application through our Grant Writing as a Service program. If you have questions regarding this program please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
California Energy Commission (CEC) Grant Funding Opportunity (GFO) for Charging and Refueling Infrastructure for Transport in California Provided Along Targeted Highway Segments 2.0
Background Information
CEC has issued a GFO for projects that will design, construct, and operate publicly available medium- and heavy-duty (MDHD) zero-emission vehicle hydrogen refueling and/or charging infrastructure along designated corridors in disadvantaged communities or low-income communities, collectively known as priority populations.
The solicitation has two technology categories:
- Charging infrastructure for MDHD battery electric vehicles
- Hydrogen refueling infrastructure for MDHD fuel cell electric vehicles
Applicants may submit an application for either charging infrastructure or hydrogen refueling infrastructure. Each application may only include one technology. There is up to $30 million in grant funds available through this solicitation. The minimum award amount is $5 million per project, and the maximum is $10 million per project.
Eligible Applicants
This solicitation is open to all public and private entities, California Native American Tribes, and California Tribal Organizations serving California Native American Tribes.
Important Dates
Proposals are due January 15, 2025.
With the increasing number of opportunities of interest to CTE and our members, we are not able to pursue projects to the same extent as we have in the past. However, if you are interested in pursuing funding under this opportunity, CTE may be able to support your application through our Grant Writing as a Service program. If you have questions regarding this program please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
California Energy Commission (CEC) Light-Duty Hydrogen Infrastructure Build-Out
Background Information
CEC’s Clean Transportation Program announced the availability of up to $15 million in grant funding for projects that will provide publicly available hydrogen refueling stations to enable continued growth of the California fuel cell electric vehicle market and support the advancement of hydrogen refueling station operations and maintenance to improve customer experience.
This solicitation has two funding lanes:
- Lane 1: Funding for new light-duty hydrogen refueling stations in San Francisco and Sacramento Counties. Stations proposed for award under a previous CEC grant are not eligible to apply under Lane 1. There is $10 million of available funding dedicated to Lane 1.
- Lane 2: Funding for light-duty hydrogen refueling stations that are planned or under development which have received a previous CEC grant award, are an eligible temporarily non-operational station, or are a hydrogen refueling infrastructure approved station. There is $5 million of available funding dedicated to Lane 2.
Eligible Applicants
Lane 1 is open to all public and private entities including California Native American Tribes and California Tribal Organizations serving California Native American Tribes. Lane 2 is open only to hydrogen refueling station developers.
Important Dates
Applications for this solicitation are due January 15, 2025.
With the increasing number of opportunities of interest to CTE and our members, we are not able to pursue projects to the same extent as we have in the past. However, if you are interested in pursuing funding under this opportunity, CTE may be able to support your application through our Grant Writing as a Service program. If you have questions regarding this program please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
California Energy Commission (CEC) Electric Vehicle Charger Reliability and Accessibility Accelerator (EVC RAA) Program
Background Information
CEC’s EVC RAA program is an initiative to repair or replace non-operational electric vehicle (EV) chargers to improve the reliability of existing EV charging infrastructure. The purpose of this solicitation is to repair, replace, and install at least 1,302 charging ports across the state of California. Funds available for this solicitation are only for ports listed on the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Final List and Final List Addendum of Non-Operational Chargers.
There is approximately $59 million available for awards under this solicitation.
Eligible Applicants
This solicitation is open to the following categories of applicants:
- Category 1: Electric Vehicle Service Providers
- This includes:
- Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Manufacturers
- Charging Network Providers
- Charge Point Operators
- This includes:
- Category 2: Installation and maintenance contractors
- Contractors that install and/or maintain EV chargers. Applicants in this category must apply to complete repair and/or replacement work for at least five charging stations.
- Category 3: Qualifying public entities
- Public entities that own ports on the FHWA’s Final List and Final List Addendum of Non-Operational Chargers. Public entities may include California county governments, California city governments, public school districts, public colleges and public universities, and special districts, such as public water utility districts and public sanitation districts.
Important Dates
Applications are due on January 9, 2025.
With the increasing number of opportunities of interest to CTE and our members, we are not able to pursue projects to the same extent as we have in the past. However, if you are interested in pursuing funding under this opportunity, CTE may be able to support your application through our Grant Writing as a Service program. If you have questions regarding this program please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
The Department of Transportation (DOT) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the Regional Infrastructure Accelerator (RIA) Program
Background Information
RIA grants assist entities in developing improved infrastructure priorities and financing strategies for the accelerated development of a project that is eligible for funding under the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) Credit Program. Assistance can include: 1) project planning; 2) studies and analysis (including feasibility, market analysis, project costs, value for money, public benefit, environmental reviews, etc); 3) revenue forecasting; 4) preliminary engineering and design work; and 5) statutory and regulatory compliance analyses. These grants are intended to support RIAs that: 1) serve a defined geographic area; 2) act as a resource to qualified entities in the geographic area; and 3) demonstrate the effectiveness of the RIA to expedite the delivery of projects eligible for the TIFIA credit program. Projects are not required to apply for or receive TIFIA credit assistance to be eligible; however, applicants who are considering the appropriateness of innovative financing methods to accelerate the delivery of eligible projects are strongly encouraged to apply.
A total of $10 million is available for this program. Depending on the strength of applications and total amount requested, the Build America Bureau anticipates providing grants in the range of $975,000 to $2 million to establish between six and 10 new RIAs.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants are U.S. public entities including state, multi-state, county, municipalities, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, regional transportation planning organizations, Tribal governments, and others. No prior RIA designation is required, but priority will be given to new applicants.
Important Dates
Applications are due on January 9, 2025.
With the increasing number of opportunities of interest to CTE and our members, we are not able to pursue projects to the same extent as we have in the past. However, if you are interested in pursuing funding under this opportunity, CTE may be able to support your application through our Grant Writing as a Service program. If you have questions regarding this program please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected])