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Open Funding Opportunities
February 21 – March 7, 2025 State Funding Activity Update
Department of Energy (DOE) Guiding Universal Indicators in Developing Ecosystems for Hydrogen (GUIDE-H2)
Department of Energy (DOE) Notice of Intent (NOI) to Re-Issue Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Battery Materials Processing and Battery Manufacturing Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)
California Energy Commission (CEC) Battery Pilot Manufacturing Grant Funding Opportunity (GFO)
Department of Energy (DOE) Fiscal Year 2025 Vehicle Technologies Office Program Wide Funding Opportunity
Department of Energy (DOE) Notice of Intent to Issue a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Energy Technology Deployment on Tribal Lands – 2025
Department of Transportation (DOT) 2025 Port Infrastructure Development Program
Department of Transportation (DOT) Rural and Tribal Assistance (RTA) Pilot Program
Department of Transportation (DOT) Maritime Administration Port Infrastructure Development Program
The Department of Transportation (DOT) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Fiscal Years (FY) 2024-2026 Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program
Closed Funding Opportunities
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF) Open Voucher Call
Background Information
DOE's Office of Technology Transitions and the TCF recently unveiled a new program—the TCF Open Voucher Call—that connects the public with researchers at DOE national laboratories. There is $2.1 million in funding available through this single-phase call, which will award up to 21 teams with a technical assistance voucher of up to $100,000, redeemable at one of eight national labs:
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Sandia National Laboratories
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Ames National Laboratory
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Vouchers must be used within a one-year period. Awardees will be selected based on innovative ideas and concepts for advancing energy, sustainability, or other lab-supported initiatives. Eligible hydrogen and fuel cell-related topics include hydrogen production, electrolysis and fuel cell components, safety, storage, systems analysis, and techno-economic analysis. Participating national labs will provide awardees with expertise and lab validation capabilities to help them advance their concept closer to commercialization.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants include private entities (for-profits and nonprofits); non-federal government entities such as states, counties, tribes, and municipalities; academic and research institutions; and individuals.
Important Dates
An informational webinar will be held on July 18, 2024. Applications are due October 3, 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
August 24 - September 6, 2024 State Funding Announcement
As a service to our members, CTE continually tracks state funding opportunities that could be of potential interest to our members. CTE monitors and updates the latest funding options in each state, providing direct and timely information to transportation professionals, industry leaders, and stakeholders.
Background and Award Information
Colorado – The Colorado Energy Office opened Round 3 of the Clean Air Program (CAP). CAP is offering up to $3 million in funding per project to implement industrial emissions reduction measures. The minimum funding award per application is $100,000. This round will close October 9, 2024.
Washington – The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has released a pre-solicitation notice for the Washington State National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program. This program encourages the development of an electric vehicle charging infrastructure network that is reliable, convenient, affordable, and equitable. Up to $25 million will be awarded in Round 1 funding through five-year grant agreements. WSDOT expects to issue the notice of Funding Opportunity by October 1, 2024.
If you have questions regarding any of these opportunities, please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for Smart Manufacturing and Recycling Tactics for States (SMART)
Background Information
DOE has released a FOA for the SMART Program. This FOA is designed to provide funding to support access to smart manufacturing technologies and high-performance computing resources for small and medium-sized manufacturers, as well as the recycling of batteries and battery-containing devices to support the establishment of a robust domestic critical material supply chain for electric vehicle batteries.
The FOA has two key areas of interest:
- Area of Interest 1: For states to establish or expand programs to assist small- and medium-sized manufacturers in accessing and implementing smart manufacturing technologies and practices and accessing high-performance computing resources.
- Area of Interest 2: For states and units of local government to establish or enhance battery collection, recycling, and reprocessing to support a domestic battery and critical materials supply chain.
It is anticipated that this FOA will provide federal funding of $63,000,000 over two to five years. Area of Interest 1 has approximately $22,000,000 in Federal funding available, with a 23.1% cost share requirement, and Area of Interest 2 has approximately $41,000,000 in federal funding available with a 50% cost share requirement.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants for Area of Interest 1 include state entities. Eligible Applicants for Area of Interest 2 include state and local government entities.
Important Dates
Applications are due September 16, 2024.
With the increasing number of opportunities of interest to CTE and our members, we are not able to pursue projects to the same extent as we have in the past. However, if you are interested in pursuing funding under this FOA, CTE may be able to support your application through our Grant Writing as Service program. If you have questions regarding this FOA or you are interested in learning more about CTE’s Grant Writing as a Service, please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) FY 2024 Vehicle Technologies Office Batteries Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)
Background Information
DOE has released a FOA for the FY 2024 Vehicle Technologies Office Batteries Program. This FOA advances research, development, demonstration, and deployment in several areas critical to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, including: development of innovative battery chemistries and component materials, reduction of cascading battery fires, and battery electrode, cell, and pack manufacturing cost reduction.
The FOA has five key areas of interest (AOIs):
- AOI 1: Improved Lead-Volt Acid Batteries for Safety-Critical Electric Vehicle Applications
- AOI 2: Develop Vehicle or Structural Level Strategies to Reduce the Likelihood of Cascading Effects of Electric Vehicle Fires
- AOI 3: Battery Electrode, Cell, and Pack Manufacturing Cost Reduction
- AOI 4: Silicon-Based Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
- AOIt 5: High Energy Density Conversion Cathodes
It is anticipated that this FOA will provide federal funding of $42,950,000 across 16-20 awards. Individual awards may vary between $1,350,000 and $4,200,000. Cost Share responsibilities vary by area of interest and applicant type.
Eligible Applicants
Proposed prime recipients and subrecipients under this funding opportunity must be domestic entities in one of the following categories: institutions of higher education, for-profit entities, non-profit entities, state and local government entities, and Indian tribes. For AOI 2, eligibility is restricted to universities or institutes of higher education. If a foreign entity wishes to apply, a limited number of foreign entity waivers may be issued on a case-by-case basis.
Important Dates
Concept papers are due September 9, 2024, with full applications due October 30, 2024.
With the increasing number of opportunities of interest to CTE and our members, we are not able to pursue projects to the same extent as we have in the past. However, if you are interested in pursuing funding under this FOA, CTE may be able to support your application through our Grant Writing as Service program. If you have questions regarding this FOA or you are interested in learning more about CTE’s Grant Writing as a Service, please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
August 10 - August 23, 2024 State Funding Announcement
As a service to our members, CTE continually tracks state funding opportunities that could be of potential interest to our members. CTE monitors and updates the latest funding options in each state, providing direct and timely information to transportation professionals, industry leaders, and stakeholders.
Background and Award Information
Delaware — The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) is accepting applications for 2025 Community Environmental Project Fund (CEPF) grants, used to assist communities and nonprofit organizations in areas impacted by pollution and contaminants. The DNREC Environmental Justice Office will award up to six CEPF grants of $25,000 each to fund projects aimed at eliminating, minimizing, or reducing environmental pollution. Delaware-based nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply, and applications are due by September 16, 2024.
Idaho — The Idaho Office of Energy and Mineral Resources has announced the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for consultant services to assist the Idaho Natural Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program. Idaho recently finalized its Siting, Feasibility, and Access Study and determined site locations for the NEVI Program. Round 1 of the NEVI Program will fund one site each in Pocatello, Bliss, and Lewiston. Idaho is seeking qualified and experienced proposals from interested firms outlining how the firm may assist the state agencies with the Idaho NEVI Program. Proposals are due September 23, 2024.
Kansas — The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is now accepting applications for the fall 2024 round of the Innovative Technology Program. The Innovative Technology Program provides financial assistance to governmental and non-governmental organizations for innovative transportation-related projects that promote safety, improve access or mobility and implement new transportation technology. All transportation system projects are eligible, including roadway (on and off the state system), rail, aviation, unmanned aerial systems, bicycle/pedestrian, public transit, software and technology infrastructure. Candidate projects should include investments that provide transportation benefits and are not eligible for other KDOT programs. This round of grant funding has an overall budget of $2 million, with a maximum awarded amount of $1 million per project. The deadline to submit project concepts is November 17, 2024, and the full application deadline is November 30, 2024.
Kentucky — The Transit Authority of Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government (Lextran) has issued an RFQ to award an on-call contract or contracts for general architectural & engineering services and transit planning services. Lextran seeks guidance on several aspects of its facility and fleet improvement goals, such as developing a zero-emission transition plan through the Federal Transit Agency’s Low or No Emissions Vehicle Program, developing an Environmental and Sustainability Plan, and assessing transit infrastructure improvements. Applications are due by October 22, 2024.
Michigan — The Michigan Department of Education, in collaboration with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy and Michigan Association of Pupil Transportation, has opened a second round of funding for its Section 74 Clean School Bus Grant, which provides funding to replace aging diesel school buses with cleaner alternatives. Public school districts within Michigan are eligible to apply for funding, which may cover up to 90% of costs of an electric school bus and supporting infrastructure. Applications are due by October 12, 2024.
Pennsylvania — The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has announced $2.2 million of available funding for its final round of the Driving Pennsylvania Forward On-road Rebate Program for Buses and Trucks, meant to replace older diesel school buses and trucks with electric or alternative fuel vehicles. Organizations operating model years 2009 or older Class 4-8 local freight or drayage trucks, or school, shuttle, or transit buses registered in Pennsylvania and operating predominantly in the state may apply. The program will remain open until funds are exhausted.
Virginia — The Virginia Department of Energy, in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Transportation, is offering reimbursements up to an average of $10,000 for the incremental cost of new vehicles or reasonable aftermarket conversions related to the transition to alternative fuels and low- or zero-emission vehicles. State agencies and local governments in current or former specific air quality non-attainment, ozone attainment, and/or maintenance areas are eligible to apply. Funding is available through September 30, 2024.
If you have any questions regarding any of these opportunities, please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).