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Open Funding Opportunities
February 21 – March 7, 2025 State Funding Activity Update
Department of Energy (DOE) Guiding Universal Indicators in Developing Ecosystems for Hydrogen (GUIDE-H2)
Department of Energy (DOE) Notice of Intent (NOI) to Re-Issue Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Battery Materials Processing and Battery Manufacturing Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)
California Energy Commission (CEC) Battery Pilot Manufacturing Grant Funding Opportunity (GFO)
Department of Energy (DOE) Fiscal Year 2025 Vehicle Technologies Office Program Wide Funding Opportunity
Department of Energy (DOE) Notice of Intent to Issue a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Energy Technology Deployment on Tribal Lands – 2025
Department of Transportation (DOT) 2025 Port Infrastructure Development Program
Department of Transportation (DOT) Rural and Tribal Assistance (RTA) Pilot Program
Department of Transportation (DOT) Maritime Administration Port Infrastructure Development Program
The Department of Transportation (DOT) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Fiscal Years (FY) 2024-2026 Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program
Closed Funding Opportunities
September 21 - October 3, 2024 State Funding Activity Update
As a service to our members, CTE continually tracks state funding opportunities that could be of potential interest to our members. CTE monitors and updates the latest funding options in each state, providing direct and timely information to transportation professionals, industry leaders, and stakeholders.
Background and Award Information
California – Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Architect and Engineering Services for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations – Phase II. RTA is seeking proposals from qualified architect and engineering firms to produce technical specifications and electrical schematics for the Phase II installation of Level 2 EV charging infrastructure needed for electric vehicles at its Riverside and Hemet facilities. Eligible applicants must have familiarity with at least one of the following disciplines: codes, standards, and ordinances; cost estimating; electrical engineering; and specifications writing. Applications are due on October 21, 2024.
The Antelope Valley Transit Authority (AVTA) has released an RFP for Operation of Fixed Route Transit Services. AVTA is seeking proposals from qualified firms to operate and maintain local and commuter fixed route services at AVTA’s facility in the Antelope Valley region of Southern California. This will include the operation and maintenance of electric vehicles. Applications are due on November 13, 2024.
The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District is accepting applications to the Yard Truck Replacement Program. This program provides incentives to replace old, high-polluting yard trucks with zero-emission yard trucks. Class 7-8 diesel trucks with engines that are six or more years of age are eligible for replacement. New trucks must be all-electric, and old trucks must be destroyed. Funding is awarded at 45% of the total eligible cost of the replacement truck and is provided on a first-come, first-served basis until all funding is allocated.
Colorado – The Colorado Energy Office has opened their Fleet Zero-Emission Resource Opportunity (Fleet-ZERO) grant program. This program provides statewide competitive funding for EV charging stations to support light-, medium-, and heavy-duty fleets. Fleet-ZERO is designed to accelerate the transition of high-emission, fossil fuel-powered fleet vehicles and equipment to zero-emission electric alternatives by increasing access to depot, public, and semi-public fleet charging through reduced cost barriers to fleet EV charging station deployments. Applications are due November 15, 2024.
Kentucky – The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) has issued an RFP for Round 3 of its Electric Vehicle Charging Program, meant for the design, build, operation, and maintenance of direct current fast charging electric vehicles supply equipment stations (EVSE) across the state. KYTC has designated specific zones for charging sites and will select multiple developers to build out Kentucky’s EV network at these locations. This round of funding includes $14.2 million, and applications are due on October 21, 2024.
Minnesota – The Minnesota Department of Commerce has issued an RFP for its Electric School Bus Grant Program. This round of funding includes $200,000 for planning and technical assistance to help accelerate deployment of electric school buses in Minnesota school districts. Public school districts, independent school districts, and Tribal contract schools, as well as transportation providers and utilities representing a school district, are eligible to apply. Applications are due on October 23, 2024.
North Carolina – The City of Durham has released a Request for Qualifications for Design and Construction Services for EVSE Fleet Charging. The City seeks qualified firms to conduct design & build services as well as architectural, engineering, and construction services for the design, installation, and maintenance of EV charging equipment for the City’s fleet. The City estimates a budget of $750,000 for the scope of work. Applications are due October 18, 2024.
If you have any questions regarding any of these opportunities, please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Storage Pilot Demonstrations Program
Background Information
DOE released funding through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to fund the Energy Storage Pilot Demonstration Program. This program will support technology demonstrations for energy storage solutions on the pilot scale, with a focus on non-lithium technologies, long duration systems, and stationary storage applications. The objective of this program is to advance a diverse set of non-lithium energy storage technologies toward commercial viability and utility scale deployment, while generating high-quality operational datasets and techno-economic models .
It is anticipated that $100,000,000 in federal funding will be available, with individual awards ranging between $5,000,000 and $20,000,000.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants include state energy offices, Indian tribes, Tribal organizations, institutes of higher education, electric utilities, and private energy storage companies. Applicant teams must include at least one technology provider as a recipient or subrecipient. Priority will be given to proposals that include utility, developer, and/or end-user members.
Important Dates
Concept papers are due October 16, 2024, with full applications due February 13, 2025.
With the increasing number of opportunities of interest to CTE and our members, we are not able to pursue projects to the same extent as we have in the past. However, if you are interested in pursuing funding under this opportunity, CTE may be able to support your application through our Grant Writing as a Service program. If you have questions regarding this program please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Domestic Manufacturing Conversion Grants for Electrified Vehicles: State Partnerships for Small and Medium Sized Manufacturers
Background Information
DOE has released funding through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to fund the Domestic Manufacturing Conversion Grants Program. This program will provide funding to eligible state governments noncompetitively, by formula, to make awards to small and medium manufacturers to perform conversion projects to produce electric vehicles in accordance with Section 50143 of the IRA. The objective of this program is for states to make subgrants to convert commercial-scale assembly or component manufacturing facilities from internal combustion to electrified vehicles.
It is anticipated that this program will provide federal funding of $50,000,000 over five years, with individual state subgrants ranging between $1,000,000 and $10,000,000.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants are limited to US States, Territories, and the District of Columbia. An eligible recipient must have a workforce of at least 0.5% in the automotive sector.
Important Dates
Applications are due October 15, 2024.
If you have questions regarding this program please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for Connected Communities 2.0: Innovations to Manage Growing Transportation, Building, and Industrial Loads to the Grid
Background Information
DOE has released a FOA for the Connected Communities 2.0 Program: Innovations to Manage Growing Transportation, Building, and Industrial Loads to the Grid. This FOA is designed to address major new loads from transportation, planners, and operators of the electric grid. The FOA has two key topic areas:
- Topic Area 1: Connected Communities 2.0, focused on technical measures at the grid edge in buildings, industry, and transportation to prepare the electric grid for new loads, and to improve resilience of customers and the grid.
- Topic Area 1A: Smart Charge Management (SCM), focused on various unique urban, suburban, and rural use cased to build confidence in SCM as an effective approach for electric vehicles to provide flexibility and value to the electric grid.
It is anticipated that this FOA will provide Federal funding of $65,000,000. Topic Area 1 has approximately $50,000,000 Federal funding available and Topic Area 1A has approximately $15,000,000 Federal funding available. Individual awards may vary between $3,000,000 and $6,000,000. Applicants under all topic areas are expected to provide at least 30% of project costs as cost share from non-federal sources, while applicants under Topic Area 1A are expected to provide at least 50% of total project costs for demonstration projects.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants include institutions of higher education, for-profit entities, non-profit entities, state and local governmental entities, and Indian Tribes. Foreign entities are also eligible to apply with an approved waiver.
Important Dates
Concept papers are due August 20, 2024. To be eligible to submit a full application, applicants must submit a concept paper. Each concept paper must be limited to a single concept or technology. Following review of concept papers, DOE will either encourage or discourage applicants to submit full applications, which are due October 10, 2024.
With the increasing number of opportunities of interest to CTE and our members, we are not able to pursue projects to the same extent as we have in the past. However, if you are interested in pursuing funding under this FOA, CTE may be able to support your application through our Grant Writing as Service program. If you have questions regarding this FOA or you are interested in learning more about CTE’s Grant Writing as a Service, please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
September 7 - September 20, 2024 State Funding Activity Update
As a service to our members, CTE continually tracks state funding opportunities that could be of potential interest to our members. CTE monitors and updates the latest funding options in each state, providing direct and timely information to transportation professionals, industry leaders, and stakeholders.
Background and Award Information
California – The City of Anaheim Public Utilities Department (APU) has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) to Provide Electric Vehicle Ride and Drive Events and Sustainability Workshops. APU is seeking proposals from qualified respondent(s) to provide “Ride and Drive” events. Respondent(s) shall also have the option to conduct sustainability-related classes, workshops, and/or seminars during the Ride and Drive events, educational videos for online viewing, and at APU’s new facility, the Sustainability Education Center. Applications are due on October 15, 2024.
The Port of Long Beach (the Port) has released an RFP for Administrative Services for CalSTA Funded Incentive Programs. The Port is seeking one qualified consultant to develop and administer three distinct grant-funded programs under the Port’s System-Wide Investment in Freight Transport project. The administration and implementation of these programs support the goals established under the Port’s Clean Air Action Plan. The key objectives are to effectively administer these initiatives and ensure they contribute to significant reductions in emissions and improvements in air quality. Proposals are due on October 1, 2024.
Colorado – The Colorado Energy Office (CEO) has opened the next round of Charge Ahead Colorado applications. Charge Ahead Colorado provides grant funding to businesses, multifamily housing, and public entities for community-based Level 2 and direct current fast charge (DCFC) electric vehicle charging. The objectives of Charge Ahead Colorado are to improve air quality, reduce transportation emissions, and increase adoption of electric vehicles across Colorado. Funding availability ranges from $4,500-$70,000, depending on charger type. CEO is accepting Charge Ahead Colorado standard applications until October 18, 2024.
Michigan – The Michigan Department of Transportation has announced its Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Local Program Call for Projects for FY 2026-2029. The CMAQ program funds transportation projects and programs that will contribute to attainment or maintenance of the national ambient air quality standards for ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter, overall aiming to reduce air pollution in the state. CMAQ funds are available to all counties within the state of Michigan that are located within or near the boundary of nonattainment or maintenance areas for ozone, carbon monoxide, or particulate matter under section 107(d) of the Clean Air Act. Applications are due by December 1, 2024.
The Michigan Economic Development Corporation has made funding available through the State of Michigan’s Advanced Aerial Mobility Activation Fund for projects meant to reduce emissions through advanced aircraft technology, drones, and sustainable aviation for regional passenger travel or cargo, as well as accompanying infrastructure. Mobility and electrification companies located in the State of Michigan are eligible to apply. Applications are currently being accepted on a rolling basis until funding is exhausted.
Ohio – The City of Columbus Department of Public Utilities fleet management team has issued an RFP for a firm to assist with electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure installation and facility upgrades as they transition to a zero-emission fleet. The project includes identifying parking lots and structures where infrastructure upgrades may be required, suggesting phased upgrades to electrical conveyance equipment, and suggesting additional upgrades in coordination with the City’s process of transitioning to an EV fleet. Applications are due by October 11, 2024.
Oklahoma – The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has announced the FY 23-24 funding for the Oklahoma Clean Diesel Program. This round of the program is funding projects that include the replacement of diesel school buses throughout Oklahoma with new diesel, gasoline, all-electric, propane, or natural gas school buses. Eligible applicants include all school districts in Oklahoma that transport students in grades PreK-12. Applications are due on November 1, 2024.
Texas – The Texas Department of Transportation has re-opened the application window for funding under the Texas Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan for 35 study areas along the Phase 1 Electric - Alternative Fuel Corridors. Grants will be awarded to eligible applicants to purchase, install, operate, and maintain DCFC equipment in designated study areas along alternative fuel corridors. Eligible applicants include legal private entities that are eligible to conduct business in Texas and must contribute a minimum 20% of the project funds as match. Applications are due October 28, 2024.
Washington – The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has released an RFP for the Washington State Zero-Emissions Medium & Heavy Duty (MHD) Vehicles Incentive Program. WSDOT is soliciting proposals from contractors to develop and administer a point-of-sale voucher incentive program to encourage faster adoption of zero-emission MHD vehicles to further state climate and equity goals. The voucher program is required to be designed based on the recommendations of the Joint Transportation Committee report Washington State Infrastructure and Incentive Program Design for MHD zero-emission vehicles. Proposals are due on October 21, 2024.
If you have any questions regarding any of these opportunities, please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).