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Open Funding Opportunities
February 21 – March 7, 2025 State Funding Activity Update
Department of Energy (DOE) Guiding Universal Indicators in Developing Ecosystems for Hydrogen (GUIDE-H2)
Department of Energy (DOE) Notice of Intent (NOI) to Re-Issue Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Battery Materials Processing and Battery Manufacturing Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)
California Energy Commission (CEC) Battery Pilot Manufacturing Grant Funding Opportunity (GFO)
Department of Energy (DOE) Fiscal Year 2025 Vehicle Technologies Office Program Wide Funding Opportunity
Department of Energy (DOE) Notice of Intent to Issue a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Energy Technology Deployment on Tribal Lands – 2025
Department of Transportation (DOT) 2025 Port Infrastructure Development Program
Department of Transportation (DOT) Rural and Tribal Assistance (RTA) Pilot Program
Department of Transportation (DOT) Maritime Administration Port Infrastructure Development Program
The Department of Transportation (DOT) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Fiscal Years (FY) 2024-2026 Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Program
Closed Funding Opportunities
California Energy Commission (CEC) Grant Funding Opportunity (GFO) Enabling Electric Vehicles as Distributed Energy Resources
Background Information
CEC has issued a GFO for the Enabling Electric Vehicles as Distributed Energy Resources Program. This solicitation will fund studies and applied research and development activities that increase the value proposition of distributed energy resources to customers and the grid. Projects must fall into one of the following project groups:
- Addressing Vehicle-Grid Integration (VGI) Knowledge Gaps
- Cost Reduction of Vehicle-to-Everything Enabling Technology
- Submetering Solutions to Facilitate VGI
There is up to $12,600,000 available for grants under this solicitation. The funding available varies by project group.
Eligible Applicants
This solicitation is open to all public and private entities with the exception of local publicly owned electric utilities.
Important Dates
This is a two-phase application process. Abstracts are due November 22, 2024. To be eligible to submit a full application, applicants must submit an abstract. Following review of abstracts, CEC will either encourage or discourage applicants to submit full applications, which are due February 27, 2025.
California Energy Commission (CEC) Grant Funding Opportunity (GFO) for Bringing Rapid Innovation Development to Green Energy (BRIDGE 2024) Program
Background Information
CEC has released a GFO for the BRIDGE 2024 Program. This GFO is designed to provide funding to Applied Research and Development and Technology Demonstration and Deployment projects that enable successful clean energy entrepreneurship across California by competitively awarding funding for the most promising energy technologies that have previously received an award from an eligible CEC program or United States federal agency.
The GFO has six specified funding categories:
- Energy Efficiency
- End-Use Electrification
- Energy Storage
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning/Advanced Sensing
- Advanced Power Electronics/ Power Conditioning
- Zero- and Negative-Carbon Emission Generation (Renewable Generation)
This solicitation has special requirements, including a prior funding requirement, a requirement of demonstrated success, and a requirement that applicants provide proof, in the form of a commitment letter, that they have received private investment of at least 25% of the requested grant funds from an eligible entity.
There is up to $25,776,915 available for grants awarded under this solicitation. The minimum funding amount for each project is $1 million, and the maximum funding amount for each project is $4 million. Match funding is required in the amount of at least 25% of the requested CEC funds, with a match funding waiver available for projects benefiting a low-income or disadvantaged community.
Eligible Applicants
This solicitation is open to all private entities and individuals that have previously received a funding award from an eligible CEC program or U.S. federal agency that provided funding for applied research of the technology identified in the proposal. The following entities are INELIGIBLE for funding as prime applicants under this solicitation, but can receive funding as subrecipients; private and public universities, national labs, utilities, private non-profit research organizations, and end-use customers of the proposed technology.
Important Dates
Applications are due November 22, 2024.
With the increasing number of opportunities of interest to CTE and our members, we are not able to pursue projects to the same extent as we have in the past. However, if you are interested in pursuing funding under this GFO, CTE may be able to support your application through our Grant Writing as Service program. If you have questions regarding this GFO
or you are interested in learning more about CTE’s Grant Writing as a Service, please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) SuperTruck Charge Program
Background Information
DOE has announced funding for the SuperTruck Charge funding program. This program will fund projects that enable the design, development, and demonstration of innovative electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure near key ports, distribution hubs, and major corridors in support of electrified medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs). DOE has identified the following areas of interest for funding:
1. Grid-integration of Depot/Hub and Corridor Charging Solutions for Medium- and Heavy- Duty EVs
a. Innovative Depot Charging Infrastructure Design and Development to Support Electrified MHDVs Near Hubs, Ports, & other Logistics Operations
b. High-capacity Charging Infrastructure Design and Development to Support En-route and Long-haul Electrified MHDVs Along Major Corridors
It is anticipated that $72,000,000 in federal funding will be available, with an estimated 2-3 individual awards to be issued, ranging between $24,000,000 and $36,000,000.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants include domestic institutes of higher education; for-profit entities; non-profit entities; state and local governmental entities; and Indian tribes. DOE/National Nuclear Security Administration Federally Funded Research and Development Centers FFRDCs (NNSA FFRDCs) and non-DOE/NNSA FFRDCs, along with federal research agencies are eligible to participate as sub-recipients.
Important Dates
Concept papers are due October 8, 2024. To be eligible to submit a full application, applicants must submit a concept paper. Each concept paper must be limited to a single concept or technology. Following review of concept papers, DOE will either encourage or discourage applicants to submit full applications, which are due November 20, 2024.
With the increasing number of opportunities of interest to CTE and our members, we are not able to pursue projects to the same extent as we have in the past. However, if you are interested in pursuing funding under this opportunity, CTE may be able to support your application through our Grant Writing as a Service program. If you have questions regarding this program please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
California Energy Commission (CEC) Request for Proposals (RFP) for Distributed Energy and Electrification Analysis
Background Information
CEC has issued an RFP for distributed energy and electrification analysis. CEC is seeking specialized expertise in a buildout of the state’s electric distribution grid model to support CEC in assessing various electrification and distributed energy resource (DER) adoption scenarios. This project must use open-source software Arras Energy and evaluate the reliability, equity, and cost implications of emerging DER integration strategies. CEC also requires assistance in training staff on using the tool developed under this project to analyze current and future data as the electric distribution grid evolves. There is $500,000 currently available for the contract resulting from this RFP.
Eligible Applicants
This solicitation is open to all public and private entities.
Important Dates
Proposals are due November 18, 2024.
With the increasing number of opportunities of interest to CTE and our members, we are not able to pursue projects to the same extent as we have in the past. However, if you are interested in pursuing funding under this opportunity, CTE may be able to support your application through our Grant Writing as a Service program. If you have questions regarding this program please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for Smart Manufacturing Technologies for Material and Process Innovation
Background Information
DOE has released a FOA for the Smart Manufacturing Technologies for Material and Process Innovation. This FOA supports administration goals by developing options for a national plan for smart manufacturing technology development and deployment in alignment with the Energy Act of 2020. The following Topic Area may be of interest to our members:
- Topic Area 2: Smart Manufacturing of Tooling and Equipment for Sustainable Transportation
- Area of Interest 1: Automation
- Area of Interest 2: Manufacturing Asset Management for Improving System Performance
It is anticipated that this FOA will provide total Federal funding of $33,700,000. Topic Area 2 will receive approximately $6,000,000 in funding, with an estimated 3-6 awards between $1 and $2,000,000. Applicants under all topic areas are expected to provide at least 20% of project costs as cost share from non-federal sources.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants include institutions of higher education, for-profit entities, non-profit entities, state and local governmental entities, and Indian Tribes. Foreign entities are also eligible to apply with an approved waiver.
Important Dates
Concept papers are due August 22, 2024. To be eligible to submit a full application, applicants must submit a concept paper. Each concept paper must be limited to a single concept or technology. Following review of concept papers, DOE will either encourage or discourage applicants to submit full applications, which are due November 18, 2024.
With the increasing number of opportunities of interest to CTE and our members, we are not able to pursue projects to the same extent as we have in the past. However, if you are interested in pursuing funding under this FOA, CTE may be able to support your application through our Grant Writing as Service program. If you have questions regarding this FOA or you are interested in learning more about CTE’s Grant Writing as a Service, please contact Wendy Morgan ([email protected]).